Images depicted are for illustrative purposes only. Actual properties may vary in appearance and features. We strive to represent properties accurately, but slight differences may occur. Please discuss this opportunity with one of our property consultants for accurate details.
Preston emerges as one of the UK's most promising cities for living and investing. With substantial investments in infrastructure and transport, Preston's population has surged by 9.5% since 2002, transforming it into a bustling buy-to-let hotspot. Nestled in the city centre amidst retail, bars, and eateries, alongside proximity to the university, appeal to professionals and students alike.
This two-bedroom apartment, spanning over 470sqft, showcases a robust NET yield of 6.5%. Positioned within the vibrant city centre, it presents an exceptional investment opportunity. With its prime location and attractive yield, this property epitomizes the potential within Preston's thriving property market.
Size: 470 SQFT
Price: £140,000
Two Bedroom Apartment
STL Approved
NET Yield: 6.5% - AST
City Centre Location